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Robot Robber

Robot Robber is an N&M Game which was already built before the N&M Games release. The first level (currently known as level 2) was already made in February 2020. There are ten medals available, so an account is required to play this game.






    Security Cameras

    Laser Barricades

    Regular Locks

    Code Locks

    Automated Locks


Robot Robber Plus

Internal Links


Robot Robber is based on drawings which date back to 2016. Near 20 drawings were made from Robot Robber levels, all made with just a pencil. That is also the reason why the game textures are almost only black and white. In February 2020, one of those drawings was made into a game. Later on, after the N&M Games release, nine additional were made into a level.


The robot entered a house at night. His goal is to grab as much money as possible, despite this is not being tracked yet. The main goal is to complete an objective, and have to escape in order to finish a level after finishing it.


AMove Left
DMove Right
Ascend/Descend Staircase
Ascend Ladder
Objective/Money Interact
SDescend Ladder

This game can be played with arrow keys as well.


Security Cameras

In every level, security cameras can be found, facing either left or right. Every 4 seconds, the camera swaps from direction. When the camera spotted you, it turns yellow, and you will lose 1.5 seconds later, unless you get away in that time. Cameras do not swap directions while yellow. While standing still in shadow, cameras are unable to see you.

Laser Barricades

Upon walking through a laser barricade, recognized by three red vertical lines, the player immediately lost. Interacting with an electrical unit found somewhere else in the level disables the laser barricade and makes it possible to walk through it. Interaction takes 5 seconds.

Regular Locks

Some doors cannot be passed. To do so, the player has to force the lock with the interaction key first. Forcing a lock takes 5 seconds.

Code Locks

Some doors cannot be passed and have a keypad instead of a regular lock. These kind of doors require a code to pass. The code can be found on a letter found somewhere else in the level.

Automated Locks

Other doors are locked, but do not have both a regular lock and a code lock. These kind of doors can be opened by a computer, found somewhere else in the level.


Next to collecting money and to avoid being caught, the main task for players is to complete an objective, indicated by four black arrows. Completing an objective takes 7 seconds. Security cameras cannot see players while completing an objective.

Robot Robber Plus

Main article: Robot Robber Plus

On May 1 2022, a bonus level of the game has been released, featuring a double-sized, colored level. The bonus level is only available to Discord Server members.

Robot Robber