Official Wiki

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A story is a public status update of every account, publicly visible on their profile.










View Count



Creating a story can be done by clicking the "Create Story" button below the banner of your public profile page. This link is not visible if your account does not have a public profile. This possibility can be revoked by admins too, which mostly happens after violating the Terms of Use.


Every story requires the presence of a text, from 1 until 150 characters. Until November 1, 2021 this limit was 50. Trying to post API access keys will result in them being replaced by "CENSORED".


A story can contain an image too, however this is not required to post it. When doing so, the file must be in PNG format and not animated. The file size may not be larger than 1 MB too. Recommended dimensions for the image are 400x300, however any other size will be displayed properly too.


Stories are always automatically removed after 24 hours. The poster of the story can remove it at any time too. When a story conflicts with the Terms of Use, it can be manually removed by an admin as well. Uploaded images will be deleted when a story is removed.


Players can add wildcards to their stories, which will be replaced by their account statistics. The following wildcards can currently be used in stories:


Players can style their story text with special characters:


As of March 1, 2022 players on a PC can edit their story texts after posting them. An edit button appears next to to the like/dislike buttons, summoning an input field where the text can be changed. When saving edits, everyone can see that the story has been edited and how long ago it was done.


As of March 1, 2022 players can mention each other in their stories. Creating a mention can be done by typing an at-sign (@), following by their username. When posting, this will change into a link to their profile. The gamer who got mentioned always gets a notification in their Activity Feed, regardless of following status, and an annotation in the Players list is also visible. Mentions are only visible on PC.

As of May 1 2022, a mention assist tooltip has been added which pops up when typing an at-sign in the input box, showing usernames of other gamers with public profiles. Upon clicking one, their username automatically gets filled in the input box.

As of June 1 2022, admins can mention everybody with only one mention, becoming bold upon being used. When this mention is used, it also shows up in the Activity Feed and in the Players menu.

Players with private profiles are still able to be mentioned, but the link turns into dark blue and has no destination.

View Count

Everyone looking at a story, signed in or not, can see how many (signed in) gamers have seen the story. When signed in and looking at someone else's story, you are excluded from the counter. Viewers are currently anonymous for both visitors and poster.


Players can like each other's stories if they want to. As of January 1, 2022 a story can be disliked too. Both like and dislike counters are publicly visible. The identity of a (dis)liker is only visible to the poster through the Activity Feed.