Official Wiki

Games Profiles Rankings Search Wiki


A profile is the public page of every account.








By default, your profile page is visible to everyone on the internet. However, in the account configuration, the visibility can be changed to only visible to you. When done, your profile no longer shows up in the Players list and the Rankings. You can still follow other players. Doing so reveals your username to them, allows them to invite you to multiplayer games, but they still cannot see your profile. The API also no longer shows statistics of the player.

This setting does not affect your profile visibility for admins.

All players can upload a banner to their profile page to decorate it. Banner display varies, depending on screen size, but recommended file dimensions are 1000x400. Note that the banner must have PNG format and not every possible banner is allowed, consult the Terms of Use for more details.


Main article: Story

All players with visible profile pages can create stories, visible on their profile. They can optionally upload a PNG image with it when on PC. Stories automatically disappear after 24 hours.


Players can follow their friends if they want to. At the moment of following, a public profile page is required. If the visibility gets changed to private afterwards, the player will currently still keep his followers. In the Account Menu, players can see who they follow and who follows them. If the name is in dark blue, their profile visibility is set to private. If not, a red exclamation mark is added next to their name if they have published a story, becoming an at-sign if they mentioned you in it. When following someone with a story, a notification appears in the Activity Feed. As of March 1, 2022 this notification disappears after viewing the story.
